The task of clearing out a wardrobe can be a daunting one. Years and years of unworn clothes can lurk in its depths. Crumpled and neglected items might be strewn on the bottom. And further clothes could be crushed into drawers. But in just a few hours, your wardrobe can be transformed and clutter-free, making everyday life just a tiny bit easier. Tidy drawers and wardrobes help keep clothes neat, protects their longevity and allows you to see what you’ve got more easily.
Pull everything out
Decluttering and tidying experts (yes, they’re a real thing!) advocate pulling everything out before you attempt to organise. You’ll make more of a mess to start with, but by seeing everything you’ve got to tidy will make your task easier. The challenge ahead involves keeping clothes or finding new homes for them, but in an environmentally friendly way that avoids sending them to landfill.
Make a recycling pile
Start by identifying items you know you don’t want anymore. If they’re tatty beyond repair, then put them on a pile to recycle. Large textile recycling bins are often found by supermarkets. Rabbit Waste Management is a proud sponsor of Worthing Community Chest, supporting their efforts to recycle clothes across the region. Clothes that end up in the textile recycling bins are shredded to make into new items.
Make donate, sell and swap piles
Clothes that aren’t damaged or worn out can be donated to charity. Or, for expensive items, you might want to consider selling them online. Perhaps you’ve got clothes that you don’t wear anymore that you know a friend would love? Arrange a swishing party to swap clothes around and get a few nearly-new items for free.
Make a care and repair pile
Clothes that you still want but you’re not wearing because they’re missing a button, have a broken zip or need dry cleaning should be added to an action pile. Shoes that need re-heeling or re-soling are added to this pile too.
Make a keep pile
What’s left after you’ve sorted through your clothes should just be items you know you want to keep. They should be items that fit you well, that you’ve worn recently and that you still like. Before you start putting things back onto hangers and shelves, place off-season clothes into vacuum bags to keep as much hanging space available for clothes you need in the next season. When the weather changes, you can swap things back again, pulling out heavy winter jumpers and packing away summer clothes, or vice versa.
Tidy and organise
With what remains, the tidying phase starts. Make sure your hangers are facing in the same direction as this helps to create more space. Consider a system that works best for your lifestyle – do you need to separate work clothes and weekend clothes? Would it be best to have bottoms separate from tops? If you’re stuck, organise by category and then colour. Belts, underwear and socks can be stored in boxes or drawers. Knitwear should be folded to help retain their shape. Think about how your shoes should be stored so you can easily see what you’ve got without piling them on top of each other.
Enjoy an organised space
After you’ve finished, you should have a tidy and organised wardrobe and have found suitable new homes for things you didn’t want to keep. And all in an environmentally friendly way with zero waste to landfill.
Contact Rabbit today for more information about recycling, skip hire and plant hire. Reach us on 01903 762020 or email